Sunday 23 March 2014

Empowerment of women and women rights:

Women are equal to men. Women are seen in every profession and organizations. Women has been working in every field, starting from television actors to the journalists, income tax officers, police officers, etc women has made her place. Now a days we can find in every single organization and companies there are women employees and women workers. They have been given equal opportunities as men. India is developing by means of empowerment of women. Women who are not allowed to go out for employment has started doing business in homes like making teddy bears, pots, accessories, designing clothes etc. In most of the parts of India women empowerment is playing a major role. But in how many states are women safer. Some parents find it risky for their daughters to work in night shifts as many incidents has taken place recently in Chennai and in other parts of the world. You might be listening to news, reading newspaper or magazine, you would have gone through such incidents and accidents with women in India.While any other article on women’s empowerment in India will take a look at our rich heritage and enlightened societies of the past where women were treated as equal as men, but in such articles they do not reveal that in the modern India, the woman has always been a second grade citizen, no matter what its esteemed leaders have said or done.Female feticide, rapes, eve teasing, street harassment, bride burning are some harassments women have been facing from long time. All these should be stopped completely for the betterment of living. And these harassment should be erased completely and women should be encouraged and should be given rights for education, business, employment etc.
A woman is dynamic in many roles she plays. The art of living empowers women to face the present challenges by providing tools and techniques that help to eliminate individual stress. A sense of community spirit is created that allows for women to face these similar challenges as a team rather than individually. The Art of Living also encourages women to find practical solutions to their challenges so that each one becomes self-dependent in their own right.

1 comment:

  1. bcoz the thing is this is the male dominant country
